VMR Gladstone Base: 07 4972 3333 Duty Controller: 0417 681 921

Volunteer Marine Rescue Gladstone

Volunteers providing safety of life at sea

Base: 07 4972 3333

Call sign: VMR Gladstone on VHF channel 82

Duty Controller: 0417 681 921


Contact us

Location:  268 Alf O’Rourke Drive, Gladstone, Qld 4680

Postal address:  The Secretary, VMR Gladstone, PO Box 797, Gladstone Qld 4680

Base telephone:  07 4972 3333

Fax:  07 4972 3396

Base hours: Wednesday to Sunday from 6.30am to 6pm (these hours may vary)

Duty Controller:  0417 681 921

Email: gladstone@marinerescueqld.org.au

Facebook:  VMR Gladstone